Alpin Panorama Hotel Hubertus
Home / Sustainability


10 reasons why we are sustainable ...

... 1. Heat production with local wood chips

Energy production can be seen as one of the most important aspects related to sustainability. Heat production at Hubertus is not the responsibility of an external supplier but is carried out by the hotel itself. We collect damaged wood from the immediate surroundings, which is chopped by the farmers in Olang and then fed into the hotel's own wood chip plant with a capacity of 1,400 kW. In this way we have managed to heat our hotel and its pools independently and CO2 neutrally.

... 2. Power generation with photovoltaic system

Olang is blessed with plenty of sunshine all year round. The sun's rays are not only good for the soul, but they are directly converted into electricity by the Hubertus' 150 kW photovoltaic system. From autumn 2023, our photovoltaic system will be increased to 250 kW. So, we will also manage to be CO2 neutral and self-sufficient regarding electrical energy (when the sun is shining).

... 3. Additional electricity from water energy

In addition to heat production with local wood chips and electricity generation through the photovoltaic system, the Hubertus also uses electricity from water energy. This means that the hotel has an all-round supply of energy that is environmentally friendly.

... 4. Length of stay

The philosophy of the Hubertus is to maximise the length of stay, which contributes to sustainability in every aspect. It minimises the number of arrivals and departures, reduces the consumption of resources and, finally, the increased length of stay can also reduce the number of visitors to the popular hiking spots and as a result the impact on the local environment.

... 5. Connection to public transport

The Hubertus is located away from stress and hustle and bustle, but still close to the most important starting points for activities and the sights. With the city bus, whose stop is right next to the hotel, you can easily reach the train station of Olang from where you can discover the entire South Tyrol. With the HolidayPass, which guests receive upon arrival, the use of public transport is also free of charge.

... 6. Local products

The use of local products is a top priority at Hotel Hubertus. We buy products such as eggs, butter and honey directly from the farmer "Von Grebmer". Locality at the same time means quality, by which a unique experience is offered to our guests.

... 7. Employees

The most important resource for a company are its employees, who must be convinced to implement the aspect of sustainability. The Hubertus offers its employees various benefits that are also sustainable. For example, every employee has the possibility to borrow a mobility card for public transport, which is intended to encourage them to leave their car at home.

... 8. Charging facilities for electric cars

All guests staying at the Hubertus with an electric car have the possibility to charge their car at one of the 32 charging stations (with costs), which are distributed on all hotel parking lots. Since the electricity is produced sustainably, the environmental impact can be reduced to a minimum.

... 9. Guided hikes

Several times a week our guests can take part in different guided walks. These offer a sustainable way to explore the surrounding area. The hiking guide brings our guests with the hotel’s own bus to the starting point, so that each individual guest does not have to use his own car. This significantly reduces road congestion and air pollution and in addition, strengthens the socio-cultural aspect of sustainability. Our hiking guides value the contact with the guests and are happy to tell them about our traditions and habits.

... 10. Investments

Finally, the Hubertus also focuses on the locality when it comes to renovation work. Only companies from the surrounding area are contracted, as we want to support small businesses and strengthen the local economy.